Friday 5 April 2013

WikiLeaks - BEAT THE BLOCKADE April 5th

Beat The Blockade - Donate $5 on April 5

On April 5, ‘Beat the Blockade’ by donating $5 to WikiLeaks

We launched the ‘Beat the Blockade’ campaign site one year ago, starting with a day of action on April 5, 2012 to protest the extrajudicial financial blockade of WikiLeaks and raise vital funds for their work to continue.

While Julian Assange fights legal battles under the serious threat of extradition to the United States to face secretly drawn up espionage charges, WikiLeaks continues to analyse and publish information that reveals truths about the world, its power relationships and injustices, most recently the Stratfor release, the ‘Global Intelligence Files’. And yet they struggle to operate under an extended ban processing on payments to them by US based corporate giants Visa, MasterCard, Western Union, PayPal and Bank of America.

We have since promoted the Beat the Blockade CD, run a Christmas Gift Ideas campaign over the holiday season and promoted the new WikiLeaks payment methods as they became available.

In August of last year the WikiLeaks website was subjected to a week long DDoS attack, and the Beat the Blockade website was able to provide WikiLeaks supporters with direct access to donation methods despite the website being down. WikiLeaks tweeted ”Despite the contiued 10Gb+ DDoS attack on WikiLeaks you can still donate via our Beat the Blockade campaign site

By logging on to on April 5 and donating at least $5 by one of the easy payment methods, people around the world can send a message to the companies engaged in the blockade – and the governments that regulate them – that censorship of a free press publisher and denying consumers their rights will not be tolerated.

Since 7th December 2010 an arbitrary and unlawful financial blockade has been imposed by Bank of America, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and Western Union on WikiLeaks. The attack has destroyed 95% of Wikileaks’ revenue. The blockade came into force within ten days of the launch of Cablegate as part of a concerted US-based, political attack on a free press publishing organisation that has breached no law in any country, and that won the 2011 Australian Walkley Award for outstanding contribution to journalism.

This April 5, together we will Beat the Blockade by each donating $5 to WikiLeaks.


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