Thursday 10 January 2013

Barrio Planta Project, an amazing organization in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua






2013 is a big year for us!

We’re planning our very first project as an organization to work with the Barrio Planta Project, an amazing organization in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua that educates the kids in the city’s poorest community with an emphasis on arts and English as a second language. We’ll be onsite to lend our production and media skills to this awesome youth organization and their Winter Arts Workshop’s production of “Grease.” This annual program of over 100 children gives them a valuable creative and disciplined outlet during their school vacation and we are enthusiastic to that we get the chance to bring our talents to the community of San Juan del Sur. For more information about BPP:

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Your donations will help us accomplish:

• Gwapa Project members will teach a variety of workshops (English/Spanish) to the children in
video production, set/costume design, theater lighting, yoga, and social media
• Gathering costumes, set materials, art supplies, and musical instruments and bringing them
down to San Juan del Sur
• Creating high quality videos, photos, and other publicity materials for BBP and to help promote their program internationally

Since this is our first project and timing is tight for the show, we need to fundraise the good ol’ fashioned way. We have until Monday, January 21st to fundraise $3,000. We’re well on our way, having raised almost $600 already. But we still have about $2k left to go and we need your help to get there!

Please donate in any increment, $5, $50, $500–we won’t stop you OR  any in-kind donations to
help us help the kids of San Juan Sur put on their best show yet!

Do you have any of the following to share with our project? Really? No way! Please send an email to INFO@GWAPAPROJECT.ORG.

  • Circle Skirts
  • Short Sleeve Blouses
  • Scarves
  • T-shirts
  • Sunglasses
  • Art Supplies (Glitter, Markers, etc.) & Fabric
  • Musical Instruments

We thank everyone in advance for your support!

With Love, The Gwapa Team


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