Thursday 6 December 2012

Light a Candle For U Gambira and all Victims of Injudicial Arrest, Detention and Torture in Burma - Public event

 Public event · By Alexandra RöschNora Rowley and 2 others


everywhere around the world
Free U Gambira! Free all political prisoners in Burma! Stop all Burma's Injudicial Arrest and Detention, Torture and conditional release of prisoners!

We ask everyone around the world to light a candle for U Gambira (Ko Nyi Nyi Lwin) and all victims of injudicial arrest, detention and torture in Burma. 
The event will start on Monday, December 10th, the international Human Rights Day and will be going on in the next weeks.

Meet with friends, light a candle at home and upload a photo of the candle to this page to show your support for the call to free U Gambira and all political prisoners immediately.

U Gambira (Ko Nyi Nyi Lwin) has committed no offenses for which he deserves to be imprisoned. He was re-arrested on December 1 and is now held in Insein prsion where he is denied medicine.

He continues to suffer from the effects of his four-year incarceration following the 2007 Saffron Revolution, including traumatic brain issues, clinical depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. He requires medicine on a regular basis. 

Take action: 

Sign the Open letter to President Thein Sein regarding former and current political prisoners in Burma
http:// sign-the-open-letter-to-president-thein-sein/


More information:

Amnesty International Document


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