Tuesday 27 November 2012

Open Letter from Dr Mike Lynch to the Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard


Open Letter from Dr Mike Lynch to the Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard


27 November 2012

To: The Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard Company

On 20 November Hewlett-Packard (HP) issued a statement accusing unspecified members of Autonomy’s former management team of serious financial impropriety. It was shocking that HP put non-specific but highly damaging allegations into the public domain without prior notification or contact with me, as former CEO of Autonomy.

I utterly reject all allegations of impropriety.

Autonomy's finances, during its years as a public company and including the time period in question, were handled in accordance with applicable regulations and accounting practices. Autonomy’s accounts were overseen by independent auditors Deloitte LLC, who have confirmed the application of all appropriate procedures including those dictated by the International Financial Reporting Standards used in the UK.

Having no details beyond the limited public information provided last week, and still with no further contact from you, I am writing today to ask you, the board of HP, for immediate and specific explanations for the allegations HP is making. HP should provide me with the interim report and any other documents which you say you have provided to the SEC and the SFO so that I can answer whatever is alleged, instead of the selective disclosure of non-material information via background discussions with the media.

I believe it is in the interest of all stakeholders, and the public record, for HP to respond to a number of questions:

• Many observers are stunned by HP’s claim that these allegations account for a $5 billion write down and fail to understand how HP reaches that number. Please publish the calculations used to determine the $5 billion impairment charge. Please provide a breakdown of the relative contribution for revenue, cash flow, profit and write down in relation to:

o The alleged “mischaracterization” of hardware that HP did not realize Autonomy sold, as I understand this would have no effect on annual top or bottom lines and a minor effect on gross margin within normal fluctuations and no impact on growth, assuming a steady state over the period;

o The alleged “inappropriate acceleration of revenue recognition with value-added resellers” and the “[creation of] revenue where no end-user customer existed at the time of sale”, given their normal treatment under IFRS; and

o The allegations of incorrect revenue recognition of long-term arrangements of hosted deals, again given the normal treatment under IFRS.

Open Letter from Dr Mike Lynch to the Board of Directors of Hewlett-Packard


• In order to justify a $5 billion accounting write down, a significant amount of

revenue must be involved. Please explain how such issues could possibly have

gone undetected during the extensive acquisition due diligence process and HP’s

financial oversight of Autonomy for a year from acquisition until October 2012 (a

period during which all of the Autonomy finance reported to HP’s CFO Cathie


• Can HP really state that no part of the $5 billion write down was, or should be,

attributed to HP’s operational and financial mismanagement of Autonomy since

the acquisition?

• How many people employed by Autonomy in September 2011 have left or

resigned under the management of HP?

• HP raised issues about the inclusion of hardware in Autonomy’s IDOL Product

revenue, notwithstanding this being in accordance with proper IFRS accounting

practice. Please confirm that Ms Whitman and other HP senior management were

aware of Autonomy’s hardware sales before 2012. Did Autonomy, as part of HP,

continue to sell third-party hardware of materially similar value after acquisition?

Was this accounted for by HP and was this reported in the Autonomy segment of

their accounts?

• Were Ms Whitman and Ms Lesjak aware that Paul Curtis (HP’s Worldwide

Director of Software Revenue Recognition), KPMG and Ernst & Young undertook

in December 2011 detailed studies of Autonomy’s software revenue recognition

with a view to optimising for US GAAP?

• Why did HP senior management apparently wait six months to inform its

shareholders of the possibility of a material event related to Autonomy?

Hewlett Packard is an iconic technology company, which was historically admired

and respected all over the world. Autonomy joined forces with HP with real hopes

for the future and in the belief that together there was an opportunity to make HP

great again. I have been truly saddened by the events of the past months, and am

shocked and appalled by the events of the past week.

I believe it is in the best interests of all parties for this situation to be resolved as

quickly as possible.

I am placing this letter in the public domain in the interests of complete transparency.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Mike Lynch

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