Sunday 9 September 2012 Resources PARC corresponds with and mails a directory of these resources to prisoners, their friends and family members. We are often the first point of contact for people to connect with prisoners' rights organiz


PARC corresponds with and mails a directory of these resources to prisoners, their friends and family members. We are often the first point of contact for people to connect with prisoners' rights organizations, community organizations, prison literature and arts projects, family and visiting resources, health care and legal resources, parole and pre-release resources, and the prison abolition movement. Here is a PDF copy of the Resource Guide.

Infectious Diseases in Corrections Report 

Research and publications on managing infectious diseases in corrections environments.

Health Care/Medical Neglect
A Jailhouse Lawyer's Manual 

The 9th edition of A Jailhouse Lawyer's
Manual is $30 if shipped directly to
prisoners; $105 for all others. It is also

ABC South Chicago Zine Distro

Offers a wide variety of political zines at low cost to prisoners. Specializes in helping get the truth out of the gulags, in zine form. Supports...

ACLU of Texas Prison and Jail Accountability Project
Aid to Children of Imprisoned Mothers, Inc. (AIM)

An advocacy group for incarcerated mothers. AIM can provide helpful information for all women in prison who have children but can only provide...

Aid to Inmate Mothers

Aid to Inmate Mothers provides visitation and other services for Alabama's inmate mothers and their children

AIDS Educational Project 

Provides educational materials and legal information about AIDS in prison. Offers class action and litigation for prisoners. Free packet of info...

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
AIDS in Prison Project

Brochures for HIV-positive people. Info hotline in English and Spanish. Also provides transitional housing with case management for recently...

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania 

Provides legal services for prisoners in PA with HIV / AIDS. Se habla espanol.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS,legal

Offering info on HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
AK Press

AK Press publishes and distributes a wide
variety of radical literature and audio, many
directly relating to prisoner and policing

Alavi Foundation

Free Koran and other Islamic books for inmates.

Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office

Free information, local phone lines, meetings in most communities.

Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons (AICAP)
Allied Resistance

Monthly publication of prisoner revolutionaries dedicated to build to build a movement for a just and sustainable future. $1 or 4 stamp donations...

American Bible Society 

Free bibles including large print and study guides. They can arrange with a chaplain to have books sent if necessary. Will send in Spanish...

American Bible Society 

Free bibles including large print and study guides. They can arrange with a chaplain to have books sent if necessary. Will send books in...

American Bible Society

Free bibles including large print and study

guides. They can arrange with a chaplain to

have books sent if necessary. Will send

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Prison Project

Write for list of publications and the contact

info for the ACLU office in your state

American Friends Service Committee Prisoners Resource Center

Has criminal justice programs in various states. Parole and post-release services offered.

AmfAR AIDS Research

Conducts AIDS research and provides written information in English and Spanish.

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Anarchist Black Cross Chicago

Write for their "ABC Information and Resources Guide" (available for download on their website). Contains essays on the politics of the ABC and...

Anarchist Black Cross New York City ABCF

Write for their "ABC Information and Resources Guide" (available for download on their website). Contains essays on the politics of the ABC and...

Anarchist Black Cross South Chicago

zine distribution

Anti-Racist Action L.A./PART: People Against Racist Terror

ARA opposes all forms of racism and colonialism, opposes police brutality and supports political prisoners. Publishes quarterly "Turning the Tide...

Appalachian Prison Book Project (APBP)

Serves imprisoned men and women in the states of Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Art Behind Bars, Inc.

Art Behind Bars is an art-based community service program that has a national call for artists on the inside to donate their work as a community...

Asheville Global Report

Winner of ten Project Censored awards, and a great source of weekly independent news.

Asheville Prison Books Programs

Sends free reading material to indigent inmates in facilities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee. Also sends National...

Association for Research and Enlightenment: Prison Outreach Program

Books about the life and work of Edgar

Cayce, meditation, and reincarnation. Prisoners are limited to one book every two

months. No...

Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

Newsletter for members only. Provides treatment referrals.

Barrios Unidos

Post-release services. Performs Pow-wow/ Cinco De Mayo/Juneteenth ceremonies at Tracy and info packet related to cultural traditions.

Battered Women's Justice Project Criminal Justice Office

We provide assistance and information to battered women charged with crimes and to their defense teams. We do not provide direct legal...


The Buddhist Association of the United States

Attn: Book Circulation Department


BAUS Books Circulation

Buddhist books, only $1-2 postage fees. Write for list of books.

Behind the Wire Prisoner Information Network

Began in 1995, when a small group of Utah state prisoners, their families, and other allies organized a coalition to give voice and information to...

Better People

Better People's mission is to dramatically reduce recidivism in the Portland metropolitan area.

social support
Blackstone Career Institute 

Offers a well-known correspondence program in law. The oldest school of its kind in the U.S., prisoners make up a sizable percentage of students...

Book 'Em

Mainly serving prisoners from PA, VA, and WV. Will serve large-print readers and Native American Indian prisoners from elsewhere as well. Request...

Books 4 Prisoners Crew

Free books to prisoners in Ohio, Indiana,

and Texas only. Sends “Inside Out: A

Resource Guide for the Incarcerated” to all


Books Through Bars

Provides books to prisoners in PA, NY, NJ, DE, MD, WV, and VA. Please request books by subject or topic rather than by specific titles. We...

Books Through Bars - Ithaca

An all-volunteer operated, community-based

organization that sends books mainly to the

most populated states: NY, TX, FL, CA, PA....

Books Through Bars - NYC

Ships to prisoners nationwide. Specializes in political and history books. Occasionally sends fiction and educational books. No religious...

Books To Prisoners

Free books to prisoners nationwide. Request by subject, no religious materials or legal materials. Donations appreciated. Does NOT ship to prisons...

Books to Prisoners-Bellingham 

Free books to prisoners nationwide. Request by subject, no religious materials or legal materials. Donations appreciated. Does NOT ship to prisons...

Books to Prisoners-Olympia 

Sends quality used books free of charge to prisoners all over.

Books to Prisoners-Portland

Free books to prisoners nationwide. Request by subject, no religious materials or legal materials. Donations appreciated. Does NOT ship to prisons...

California Coalition for Women Prisoners

Runs action center and produces newsletter “The Fire Inside”

California Prison Focus

Provides several different services, including advocacy, investigations into control units in the CA prison system, visits and limited family...

Campaign to End the Death Penalty

A national grassroots abolitionist organization that works with prisoners, family members and organizers. CEDP publishes a newsletter called The...

death penalty
Center for Constitutional Rights 

Publishes The Jailhouse Lawyers' Handbook and Women's Appendix,

self-help guide for filing Section 1983 claims in...

Center for Disease Control's National Prevention Information Network

Provides info, publications, and technical assistance on HIV/AIDS, STDs, and TB M-F 9am-6pm (Eastern time.) Se habla espanol. General medical info...

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Center for the Children of Incarcerated Parents

Provides free educational material for incarcerated parents and their children, as well as therapeutic services, family reunification services,...

Centro Legal De La Raza

Provides many services for immigrants and helps with detention cases.

Chicago Books to Women in Prison

Free books to women prisoners nationwide. Possible to request books in Spanish.


Chicano Mexicano Prison Project
Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) National Office

A prisoner advocacy group with chapters in all 50 states. Write for contact info for the CURE chapter in your state.

Cleveland Books 2 Prisoners

Free books to prisoners in Ohio only.

Coalition for Prisoners' Rights--Prison Project of Santa Fe

Monthly newsletter free to currently and formally incarcerated individual and family members. Stamps and donations needed.

Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition

A network of organizations, faith communities, and individuals working to reverse the trend of mass incarceration in Colorado. Quarterly...

Community Alliance on Prisons

A coalition that focuses on alternatives to incarceration, prison reform legislative issues, community education, and effective interventions for...

public education
Convicts for Christ, Inc 

Provides religious/spiritual counseling, emergency residential

assistance and referrals, including family...

Post-release services
Correctional Association of New York

Have four working project groups: the Public Policy Project, the Women in Prison Project, the Prison Visiting Project, and the Juvenile Justice...

Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex National Office

Critical Resistance provides information on the prison industrial complex and produces quarterly newspaper “The Abolitionist.” Please do not...

Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex--Northeast Regional Office

Critical Resistance provides information on the prison...

Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex--Southern Regional Office

Critical Resistance provides information on the prison...

D.R.I.V.E. Movement

Founded by Death Row prisoners, the DRIVE movement seeks to unite the Death Row community to push forward and initiate change in the conditions....

death penalty
DC Prison Book Project

Sends donated reading material to prisoners and educates the public about issues surrounding prisoner education and literacy.  Give about a 3...

Death Penalty Focus 

Dedicated to abolishing capital punishment through grassroots organizing, media outreach, nationwide coalition building, education of political,...

death penalty
Death Row Support Project 

Offers pen-pal services to death row inmates only. Can connect Spanish-
speaking pen-pals on a limited basis.

death penalty

A grassroots anti-death penalty advocacy organization inspired by San Quentin, Ca death row inmates, their families, friends, and others...

death penalty
Dharma Friends Prison Outreach Project, Compassion Works For All 

Free newsletter and donated books, guidance for those leaving prison or other transitions

Dharma Friends Prison Outreach Project, Compassion Works for All

Free newsletter and donated books, guidance for those leaving prison or other transitions.

Dharma Seeds Foundation 

Non-profit organization that produces a newspaaper about meditation with a Catholic and Zen focus to those in jail, incarcerated within...

Dharma Seeds Foundation 

Non-profit organization that produces a newspaper about meditation with a Catholic and Zen focus to those in jail, incarcerated within...

Dharma Seeds Foundation

Dharma Seeds is a non-profit organization that produces a newspaper about meditation with a Catholic and Zen focus to those in jail, incarcerated...

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Inc.

CA Prisoners Only. DREDF takes on very few cases each year. We receive far more requests for assistance than our resources allow us to take on....

disability rights
Drug Policy Alliance

One of the leading U.S. organizations promoting alternatives to the war on drugs, with extensive on-line library, reports on drug policy reform by...

war on drugs
East Bay Prisoner Support

Offers anarchist/radical zines to prisoners in TX and CA, and for female/queer prisoners all over the U.S.

literaturemagazine,prisoner support
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)

Chapters in almost 30 states. Write for newsletter and list of publications,

including info on Booker and Fanfan...

social support
Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM)

Chapters in almost 30 states. Write for newsletter and list of publications, including info on Booker and Fanfan decisions. Also provides amicus...

Families of Parchman Prison Inmates

We serve as a support center to anyone who has a family member incarcerated or recently released from Parchman and any other prison in Mississippi...

Families to Amend California's Three Strikes 

FACTS works to amend California's Three Strikes law to target violent

felonies only. Quarterly newsletter (by...

social support
Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (FACTS)

Works to amend California's Three Strikes law to target violent felonies only. Quarterly newsletter (by donation). Print return address exactly if...

three strikes law
Family and Corrections Network

The mission of Family and Corrections Network (FCN) is to uphold families of prisoners as a valued resource to themselves and their communities in...

Florida Prisoners’ Legal Aid Organization 
Forever Family (formerly AIM)

Foreverfamily works to ensure that, no matter what the circumstances, all

children have the opportunity to be surrounded by the love of...

Fortune Society 

Prisoners re-entry advocacy and support for prisoners in NY.

Post-release services
Fortune Society

Prisoners re-entry advocacy and support for prisoners in NY.

Free Battered Women

"In California, the majority of women prisoners are survivors of domestic violence; some are doing time for defending themselves and their...

Friends and Family of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children 

FFLIC is fighting for the closure of Swanson and Jetson Centers for Youth and for an increase in community-based services that help our children...

Gainsville Books for Prisoners

Covers prisoners nationwide. Accepts

requests by topic of interest only.

Greater Than AIDS

Responds to the AIDS crisis in the US, in particular the severe and disproportionate epidemic among Black Americans. Publishes newsletters and...

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
Groundwork Books Collective- 4 Prisoners Program 

Nationwide. Only one book per request. Request by subject.


Harm Reduction Coalition

A national advocacy and capacity-building organization promoting the dignity of individuals impacted by drug use. Publishes brochures, manuals,...

Health Care/Medical Neglect
HCV Advocate

Publishes monthly patient newsletter. Fact sheets on Hep C available for free download in five languages.

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Heart of the Earth Survival School Prison Program--National indian Prisoner Support Network
Native American
Hepatitis Prison Coalition

Provides hepatitis and blood borne infection classes in all WA state prisons. Links prisoners with medical care upon release. Their newsletter,...

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Hour Children, Inc. 

Mission is to support mothers and their children. Provides resources and services outside and inside NY state prisons. Provides services in...

Human Kindness Foundation 

Non-profit organization that produces a newspaper about meditation with a Catholic and Zen focus to those in jail, incarcerated within...

Human Kindness Foundation 

Sends free interfaith spiritual books in English ort Spanish to prisoners,

prison workers, and others who cannot...

Human Kindness Foundation: Prison Ashram Project

Sends free interfaith spiritual books in English or Spanish to prisoners, prison workers, and others who cannot afford them. Books by Bo Lozoff...

Human Rights Coaliton

HRC's mission is to build a coalition of prisoner's family members and "make visible to the public the injustice and abuse that are common...

human rights
Inside Books Project

all volunteer, non-profit organization sending free books and educational materials to people in prison in the state of Texas.

Inside Dharma 

Bi-monthly Buddhist newsletter for prisoners.

Focus on Missouri prisons. Clothing for men coming


International Association of Sufism Prison Project 

A program of the IAS; also runs the Sufi Women Organization

Prison Program. Correspondence opportunities and a...

International Bible Society 

Inmates can receive free on the inside Bible (English or Spanish )

and a booklet for women or men. No large print...

International Community Corrections Association (ICCA)

Publishes the ICCA Journal on Community Corrections, as well as various newsletters. Also puts out a directory of residential programs every 3-4...

residential programs
International Community Corrections Association (ICCA)

Publishes the ICCA Journal on Community Corrections ,

as well as various newsletters. Also puts out a directory...

social support
International Prison Watch Project

An international coalition of advocates dedicated to shedding a spotlight inside our prison walls.

Internationalist Prison Books Collective

Volunteer collective that sends books to prisoners in Mississippi, Alabama, and parts of North Carolina. Has fiction as well as political and...

Islamic Center 

Free Koran and study guides. Will send through


Islamic Center of Springfield Missouri 

Provides free Qur'an and will write letters to

prison authorities and to politicians about conditions...

Islamic Education Center

Free Koran and beginner or advanced study

guides. Can do return mail care of the

chaplain. Provides written information in

Islamic Education Center 

Free Koran and beginner or advanced study guides.

Can do return mail care of the chaplain.


Jewish Prisoner Services International

Chaplaincy and social services organization for Jewish prisoners, their family members, and releasees only. Will provide Jewish religious...

Jewish Prisoner Services International 

Emergency Collect Phone: 206-528-0363

'Chaplaincy and social services organization


Justice Now

Focuses soley on the needs of women prisoners. They work on alternative `sentencing, document human rights abuses in prison, and their Building a...

Justice Watch

Works to eliminate classism and racism from prisons and opposes the death penalty. Operates Garden Street Transitional House for parolees....

Justice Watch 

Works to eliminate classism and racism from prisons and opposes death penalty.

Operates Garden Street Transitional...

Post-release services
Justice Works Community 

Sponsors "Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis" Sponsors "Mothers in Prison, Children in Crisis" campaign to end mandatory minimum sentencing for...

Justice Works!

Focuses on racism in the criminal justice system in Washington state. Newsletter, correspondence classes, court watch and advocacy on specific...

Justice: Denied

Magazine for the wrongfully convicted. Publishes prisoners' stories only.

wrongfully convicted
keeping the Faith: The Prison Project

Founded in 1995, "Keeping the Faith: The Prison Project" is a series of workshops with incarcerated women in WA, MA, FL, and Brazil focusing on...

La Raza Centro Legal Inc. 

Resources and possible legal referrals for INS detainees in Northern California. We are not able to help with criminal or other civil matters....

Latino Commission on AIDS 

Provides education and training for treatment for all those in need with the HIV virus. Offers written information and resources in Spanish.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS,latino
Legal Action Center 

Non-profit organization providing free legal services to formerly

incarcerated people, recovering alcoholics,...

Legal Aid Society Prisoner's Rights Project

Priority is to address guard brutality and sexual abuse, other unsafe physical conditions, disability discrimination, lack of mental health and...

Lesbian AIDS Project

Information and support for women and lesbians living with HIV.

Lewisburg Prison Project 

Publishes a number of low-cost materials for prisoners, including "legal Bulletins", "Prisoner's Guide to Federal Parole", and "Due Process...

Louisiana Books 2 Prisoners

Mails free reading materials to prisoners in every state except California and Texas. Does not send to city or county jails.

Louisiana Books 2 Prisoners

c/o Iron Rail Book Collective. Serves all states except California and Texas. Ask for a few general types or categories of books. Limit to one...

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement Mississippi Office

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people...

human rights
Malcom X Grassroots Movement Alabama Office

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people...

human rights
Malcom X Grassroots Movement California Office

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people...

human rights
Malcom X Grassroots Movement Georgia Office

The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people...

human rights
Malcom X Grassroots Movement NYC office

The Malcom X Grassrots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose missions is to defend the human rights of our people...

human rights
Maoist International Movement

MIM is a revolutionary anti-imperialist group

fighting criminal injustice, helping prisoners

to organize and educate themselves. Sends...

prisoner support
Mennonite Central Committee, US Office of Justice and Peace

Free publications for prisoners and their families

Mettanokit Outreach

Native American circles in 9 prisons in New England. Booklet describing the program and post-prison group called Ending Violent Crime.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)--National Office 

Has regional offices in GA, IL, TX, CA, and DC. Largest latino civil rights organization. MALDEF litigates large class action cases; can not take...

Microcosm Publishing

Write for catalog. Offers 50% discount to prisoners on some titles.  Stamps accepted for payment

Middle Ground Prison Reform 

Working for Arizona's prisoners and their families since 1983. Main areas of activity are: 1) public education about the need for criminal justice...

Midwest Books to Prisoners

Free books to Midwest prisoners.

Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project

Great resource for queer studies, gender and sexuality. No California prisoner requests.

NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund Inc. 

Non-profit law firm which deals only with cases of obvious race discrimination, handles small # of death penalty & life w/o parole cases.

NAACP National Prison Project

Works on ex-felon re-enfranchisement and racial disparities within the criminal justice system as well as provide the incarcerated with a vehicle...

NAACP National Prison Project 

Works on ex-felon re-enfranchisement and racial disparities

within the criminal justice system as well as provide...

social support
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill

Seeks equitable services for people with severe mental illnesses. Promotes treatment alternatives to criminalization of people with severe brain...

Health Care/Medical Neglectmental health
National Center for Lesbian Rights California office

Provides legal referrals for LGBTQQI

National Center for Lesbian Rights Florida Office

Provides legal resources for LGBTQQI

National Center for Lesbian Rights Washington DC Office
National Center for Youth Law

Provides information, referrals, technical assistance, or written materials; serves as co-counsel in cases affecting a large number of children...

National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Publishes "Lifelines", a quarterly newspaper about what's going on in the struggle for death penalty abolition. Does not offer legal resources....

death penalty
National Institute of Corrections

Provides the "Directory of Programs Serving Families of Adult Offenders" to prison libraries, chaplains, and prisoners' families, not directly to...

National Lawyer's Guild Prison Law Project

Published a 2005 Jailhouse Lawyers handbook, free for prisoners, on bringing Section 1983 claims alleging that constitutional rights have been...

National Minority AIDS Council 

Develops leadership in communities of color to address the challenges of HIV/AIDS. Has a free online resource library. Helps community and faith-...

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
National Native American Prisoners Rights/Advocacy Coalition
Native American
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Helps monitor and share information to build campaigns against immigration raids, police collaboration with immigration enforcement, abuses by...

National Prison Hospice Association 

NPHA helps to develop and implement hospices and better end-of-life care for terminally ill prisoners and their families. Also publishes a...

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Nolo Press

Has free legal documents online and publishes "Legal Research", which gives step-by-step instructions in finding legal information such as how to...

Northern California Service League

Provides job placement assistance to parolees and transitional housing for women and children.

Post-release services
Outlook on Justice

A newsletter of the American Friends Services Committee (Quakers). $2/year for prisoners.

Outside In

Brings free live music and performing arts presentations to prisons and juvenile detention centers in new Mexico. A great organziation to contact...

Palladia Inc

Social services, transitional housing, treatment centers in NYC.

Post-release services
Partnership for Safety and Justice (formerly Western Prison Project)

Advocacy group working with prisoners, families, and grassroots groups in OR, WA, ID, MT, UT, NV, and WY. Publishes quarterly "Justice Matters" as...

support directory
Pathfinders of Oregon

Pathfinders are a cognitive restructuring/skills building process/it was designed to transform criminally deviant behavior into responsible...

Pennsylvania Prison Society

Does advocacy work, including prison visits and publishes “Graterfriends,” a monthly newsletter for people in prison which is primarily inmate...

Positively Aware

National magazine on HIV/AIDS. Covers treatment, social issues, financial,and legal matters. Free subscriptions to prisoners. Spanish language...

Prison and Jail Project

Monitors prison and jail conditions in SW Georgia only. Publishes the newsletter "Freedom Ways."

Prison and Jail Project

Monitors prison and jail conditions in SW Georgia only, publises the newsletter "Freedom Ways"

Prison Art Project

Provides an online outlet for the sale of crafts and artwork created by prisoners. Do not submit original art. Send a SASE for a free brochure and...

Prison Book Program

Does not send books to CA, MA, MD, MI, PA, KY, LA, NV or TX.  Offers a free 6-page ...

Prison Book Project

Serves prisoners in New England and TX only. Request books by subject. No mailing list or catalogue; no hardback books.

Prison Calls Online / OCS Prison Calls

Helps families pay less for their collect prison calls.

Prison Creative Arts Project (PCAP)

PCAP facilitates fine arts, creative writin, and theatre workshops in juvenile detention centers and prisons. Organizes/curates annual art exhibit...

Prison Dharma Network

Mission is to provide prisoners, and those who work with them, with the most effective contemplative tools for self-transformation and...

Prison Fellowship

Prison Fellowship partners with local churches across the country to minister to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. Publishes a variety...

Prison Fellowship 

Prison Fellowship partners with local churches across the

country to minister to prisoners,ex-...

Prison Health News 

Quarterly newsletter published by former prisoners about prisoners' health.

Health Care/Medical Neglect
Prison Law Office

Litigates and monitors class action law suits regarding medical care, mental health care, and disabled access for prisoners in CA only. Also...

disability rights,Health Care/Medical Neglectlegal
Prison Legal News

An independent monthly publication started by prisoners that reports, reviews, and analyzes news related to prisoner rights and prison issues....

Prison Place

Started by an ex-prisoner, this website is a place for friends and families of those on the inside to communicate and support each other.

Prison Place 

Started by an ex-prisoner, this website is a place

for friends and families of those on the inside ...

social support
Prison Program at Buddhist Peace Fellowship

The Buddhist Peace Fellowship Prison Project provides ministry to help prisoners develop skills to meet everyday violence in prison. Also has...

Prison Reform Unity Project

We are a national group of people who work on prison reform issues and urgent inmate needs and when possible helping parolees with re-entry issues...

Prison University Project

Provides excellent higher education programs to people incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison; to create a replicable model for such programs;...

public education
Prisoner Express

Sends books nationwide. Promotes rehabilitation by offering inmates information, education and the opportunity for creative self-expression in a...

Prisoner Legal Services San Francisco Sheriff's Department 

Provides legal information, assistance and advocacy to prisoners in the San Francisco County Jail system. Limited information available in Spanish...

Prisoner Self Help Legal Clinic 

Supports prisoners' efforts at self-litigation with educational resources. Provides services in Spanish and English.

Prisoner Visitation and Support (PVS)

Provides institutional visits to prisoners only in federal and military prisons nationwide. Limited services for Spanish-speaking prisoners.

Prisoners Literature Project

No Texas or Oregon requests. Request by

subject. Stamps or donations greatly


Prisoners' Guerilla Handbook to Correspondence Programs in teh US & Canada by Jon Marc Taylor

212 program profiles, listing tuition rates, time limits, courses offered, degree programs, accreditation, and much more. "Any prisoner seeking to...

Prisons Foundation

Prisons Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC that promotes the arts and education in prison and alternatives to...

Project for Older Prisoners

Law students interview and evaluate older and geriatric inmates in obtaining parole or other forms of release from incarceration. Operates in five...

older prisoners
Project Inform 

Provides HIV and AIDS hotline at 800-822- 7422 and publications on HIV/AIDS. Se habla espanol.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
Project Rebound c/o Associated Students Inc.

SFSU program for formerly incarcerated people to enroll in college.

support service
Project Rebound c/o Associated Students inc. 

SFSU program for formerly incarcerated people to enroll in college.

Post-release services
Project Return Center

Post release housing and case management in Tampa, FL.

Project Return of Louisiana

Call for updated address--this organization was displaced by Hurrican Katrina. Provides a prison aftercare program, 90 day residential, and...

transitional program
Publicaciones Legales en Espanol, Inc.

Publications in English/Spanish and Spanish only.

Real Cost of Prisons Project 

RCPP works to expand the organizing capacity of people and communities struggling to end mass incarceration. Will send comic books “Prisoners of...

Rock of Ages Prison Ministry 

Free King James Bible, correspondence course.

Offers New Testament study course through the PBI.

San Francisco AIDS Foundation 

HIV/AIDS hotline at 800- 367-AIDS for CA prisoners only. Publishes "BETA," available in Spanish and English.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
San Francisco Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership. 

2.4 million U.S. children have a parent behind bars today. The partnership formed to improve the lives of incarcerated children and to demand a “...

Set My Way Free, Inc

A ministry assisting prisoners in proofreading pro se litigation

papers and in writing parole plans for a small...

Sex Abuse Treatment Alliance

Info, resources, contacts, and support to individuals, families, defense attorneys, treatment providers, and professionals who work with issues of...

South Dakota Prisoner Support Group

FOllowing a rash of deaths in South Dakota prisons, the PSG was formed to support people on the inside, ex-prsioners, family, and friends, and to...

Native American
South End Press

Radical publisher with wide range selections, including 1994 anthology (Criminal Injustice) edited by PARC founder Eli Rosenblatt. 50% discount to...

Southern Center for Human Rights

Founded in 1976 to 1) fight the death penalty and 2) challenge cruel and unconstitutional treatment of imprisoned men, women, and children...

Southern Poverty Law Center

Publishes "Protecting Your Health and Safety" (cost $10, includes shipping), written for prisoners. Legal defense of rights to medical care,...

St. Patrick Friary

Counseling provided at Attica, Wyoming, Collins, Orleans, Albion, Groveland, Gowanda, & Rochester prisons. Post release services include...

job training
St. Patrick Friary 

Group counseling provided at Attica, Wyoming, Collins, Orleans, Albion,

Groveland, Gowanda and Rochester prisons...

Post-release services
Stanley Tookie Williams Legacy Network

Stan Tookie Williams was the co-founder of the Los Angeles Crips. In 1981 he was convicted of murdering four people and sentenced to death row at...

death penalty
SUNY Binghamton Prisoner Support Group/OFF! Magazine

A small grassroots group that works directly with prisoners based on their individual needs. Offers legal materials, correspondence, literature,...

Supportive Housing and Innovative Partnerships 

Clean and sober housing, therapeutic community program, alternative to

sentencing, life skills program, drop-in...

Post-release services
SYDA Foundation Yoga Prison Project

Mails monthly free newsletter and the "Siddha Yoga Home Study Course" to any inmate that requests it.

SYDA FOundation Yoga Prison Project 

Mails monthly free newsletter and the Siddha Yoga

Home Study Course to any inmate that request it.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Provides free legal services to transgender and gender nonconforming low-income people and people of color. Only available in NY and surrounding...

Test Positive Aware Network 

HIV/AIDS publication, "Positively Aware" is a national magazine covering HIV/AIDS treatment, research, news, and profiles of people living with...

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
The American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)

Write to report incidents of discrimination.

The Graduate Group

Publishes a book called "A Guide to Successful Plea Bargaining."

The Incarcerated Mothers Program Edwin Gould Services for Children

Provides advocacy, foster care prevention, counseling, and vocational training. Also runs "Achievers' Girls and Boys Shine" program for children...

The Innocence Project (National)

A national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating

wrongfully convicted people through...

The Insight Prison Project

Communication training in nonviolence in correctional facilities; expanding to include post-release training.

The Jericho Movement

The Jericho Movement is a political prisoner support group working towards prison abolition.

The National Center on Institiutions and Alternatives (NCIA)

NCIA offers parole advocacy services to inmates seeking parole, transfer between institutions, or death penalty mitigations.

The Network/La RED Ending Abuse in Lesbian, Bisexual Women's and Transgender Communities

Services include confidential hotline, emergency shelter, advocacy, and free support groups for lesbians, bisexual women, and transgender folks...

The November Coalition

An organization of drug war prisoners and their loved ones. Their goal is to enlighten the public about unjust sentencing laws and the destructive...

war on drugs
The Other Death Penalty Project 

A national, grassroots, organizing campaign founded and managed by life without the possibility of parole prisoners with  the goal of ending the...

death penalty
The Paralegal Institute

Associate degree program. Accredited by Distance Education Training Council. Registered with National Association of Legal Assistants.

The Prison Library Project

Free books on self-help, personal and spiritual growth, wellness, metaphysical, fiction and non-fiction. No law or technical books. Delivers to...

The Safer Society Foundation

A national research, advocacy, and referral center on the prevention and treatment of sexual abuse. Provides referral services for therapists in...

sexual abuse
The School of Paralegal Studies Professional Career Development 

Offers a correspondence course.

The Sentencing Project

"Publications on drug policy, voting rights, juvenile justice, sentencing law and policy, racial disparities, and women prisoners.” Free download...

The Sentencing Project 

Write for list of publications & prices. "Publications on drug policy,

voting rights, juvenile justice,...

social support
Transformative Justice Law Project of Illinois

Provides legal services to transgender and gender non-conforming people targeted by the criminal legal system; will send resources and provides...

Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) Justice Project

The TGI Justice Project works mainly with prisoners in CA; they work on alternative sentencing, writing advocacy letters trying to help...

Triune Arts

Educational resource for restorative justice programs; intended to raise public awareness of an alternative to the existing justice system's...

restorative justice
Urbana-Champagne Books to Prisoners Project

Sends various books to state & federal prisoners in Illinois. Has large selection of novels.

Visions for Prisons: Peace in Prison Project

VFP sponsors volunteers around the world and offers prison volunteers training.

They also promote a prison non-...

social support
Wisconsin Books to Prisoners Project

Sends books to prisoners in WI.

Women and Prison: A Site for Resistance

Forum for public discourse about the ways that incarceration affects women's lives and the work that people are doing to dismantle systems of...

Women's Prison Association and Hooper Home

Provides foster care prevention, counseling, and housing placement assistance.

Women's Prison Book Project
WORLD (Women Organized to Respond to Life-Threatening Diseases) 

Provides information and educational support for women and families infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. Some spanish resources available.

Health Care/Medical NeglectHIV/AIDS
World Service Meditation Group

Offers free meditation lessons and free study materials based on the idea that use of the human mind is the doorway to deeper realities, an...

Zine World

Reader's Guide to the Underground Press. An extensive guide to zine culture, reviews zines and other DIY publications.


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