Thursday 8 December 2016

Le musicien Oswald Durand jr « Ti Flûte » est décédé à Montréal!

ti-flutePort-au-Prince, vendredi 2 décembre 2016 (rezonodwes).- En cette fin d’année où les soirées musicales et festives sont les plus recherchées, les mélomanes haïtiens et la communauté musicale montréalaise viennent de subir une lourde perte avec le départ inattendu pour l`éternité, dans la nuit du 1er au 2 décembre, d`un talent à l`état pur, « Ti-Flûte ».

Selon le keyboardiste Raoul « Ti Ra » Denis Jr (l`un de ses premiers compagnons de la musique), Oswald Durand junior, virtuose de la flûte, excellent guitariste et saxophoniste (ténor), a débuté sa carrière lors d`un concours de musique organisé par Télé Haiti, alors qu`ils n`avaient pas encore 20 ans.
De cette première expérience est née une fructueuse collaboration qui leur a permis de rouler leur bosse dans les rangs du légendaire groupe DP Express et de figurer sur le premier album « Souvenirs d`enfance » du célèbre chanteur haitien de Noël , Lionel Benjamin.
Leur premier spectacle, par contre, s`est tenue au Collège Bird en 1976, mais entre-temps, ils ont aussi animé des mariages et fêtes familiales avant d`évoluer dans Odyssey (un groupe Rock formé avec Robert Martino et Richard Dallemand), Lakansyèl, Trio Infernal, puis 4×4 (avec Hansy Peters).

Presque tous les grands noms de la chanson de cette époque, comme Ansy Dérose, Ti Corn, Carole Démesmin, Emeline Michel, Beethova Obas, Jacques Sauveur Jean ont bénéficié du doigté de ces deux joyeux drilles qui se sont finalement perdus de vue au départ pour Montréal de Ti-Flûte dans le milieu des années 90.
Dans la métropole québécoise, Oswald Durand jr n`a pas du tout chômé. A coté de ses études à l`Université de Montréal et de son travail dans des institutions comme la Banque Royale du Canada, Ti-Flûte a pu charmer le public bigarré de la deuxième ville la plus peuplée du Canada, grâce au support de ses copains comme Claude Marcelin, Toto Laraque, Weslii, etc…, qui se sont réfugiés aussi dans le froid glacial de l`Amérique du Nord.

Le chanteur et guitariste Claude Marcelin a révélé à la rédaction de Rezo Nodwès qu`Oswald Durand jr officiait aussi comme directeur artistique de plusieurs grands noms dans le domaine musical à Montréal et produisait également des arrangements en studio pour la réalisation de disques pour d`autres.
Oswald Durand jr, emporté par une fulgurante maladie, est décédé dans la soixantaine en laissant dans la douleur sa femme Geneviève Piquion, ses enfants et sa sœur, la journaliste Anathalie Durand. Pour Raoul Denis Jr, qui s`est confié à Natacha Durose de Rezo Nodwès, Ti Flûte a fait honneur à son grand-père, l`immortel poète haitien, auteur de « Choucoune », Oswald Durand.
Oswald Durand jr (Ti-Flûte)

Friday 22 January 2016

Groups demand Saffron leader’s release

Groups demand Saffron leader’s release

Groups demand Saffron leader’s release

The wife of a former monk and prominent leader of the 2007 Saffron Revolution was denied permission to visit her jailed husband yesterday.
Marie Siochana told The Myanmar Times that authorities barred her entry from the prison because she is a foreign citizen. Myanmar authorities said this is standard procedure until the backing of the relevant embassy is secured.
Her husband, U Gambira, was arrested at a hotel in Mandalay around midnight on January 19. He has been denied bail and is being held in Mandalay’s Oboe prison on immigration-related charges.
U Gambira, who is no longer a monk and resides in Thailand, entered Myanmar with Ms Siochana at the Thai border crossing of Mae Sai-Tachileik on January 16. Police allege that he did not enter the country legally, and have charged him under Section 13(a) of the colonial-era Burma Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act of 1947.
International rights groups suspect the charge is a form of politically motivated harassment and called for the activist to be immediately and unconditionally released. UK-based rights group Amnesty International called the charges against U Gambira “contrived, arbitrary and politically motivated”. The group also took aim at the broader pattern of suppression of activists in Myanmar, which they say runs at odds with the country’s human rights commitments.
“The Myanmar authorities continue to arrest and imprison activists and human rights defenders on politically motivated charges, part of an ongoing clampdown on the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly which are enshrined in Articles 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” read the Amnesty statement released on January 20.
The call for U Gambira’s release was echoed by the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights (APHR), which said the arrest comes at a “pivotal time” and is “extremely concerning and risks sacrificing any potential positive legacy of the government of President Thein Sein”.
“This arrest seems to be on trumped-up charges and is most likely politically motivated. Gambira has sacrificed a great deal to support the rights of the Myanmar people to fight for democracy and should be treated accordingly – not hounded and thrown in jail,” said Son Chhay, a Cambodian member of parliament and vice chair of the APHR.
Son Chhay said that the arrest calls into question the sincerity of Myanmar’s reform efforts.
“The outgoing military-backed government is not sending the signal that it is ready to work with other stakeholders to see Myanmar grow into an open society that upholds international human rights norms, and this has concerning undertones for the tenure of the next government,” he said.
U Gambira’s arrest in Mandalay came just one day after a US State Department envoy called on President U Thein Sein to release all political prisoners. The senior-level representative urged the president to fulfill his 2013 pledge before he leaves office at the end of March as a sign of his commitment to the reform process.
U Gambira was previously jailed and sentenced to 68 years in prison relating to his role leading pro-democracy demonstrations in 2007. He was released in a presidential amnesty in January 2012 after serving four years and two months.
He suffers from major mental health issues, including extreme post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from his earlier imprisonment when he was tortured. He was also diagnosed as schizophrenic in late 2015. Ms Siochana said he is currently medicated and must follow a strict regimen of prescribed drugs. She sent medications to the jail, with instructions, but estimates less than one month’s supply is left.
A trauma specialist in Thailand who has treated U Gambira raised concerns over the possible trigger effects the reimprisonment will cause.
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners told The Myanmar Timesthat while immigration-related charges haven’t been used much in recent years in political cases, there is some precedent for using them.
“The charge under the The Myanmar Immigration (Emergency Provisions) Act is not so commonly used for political reasons but has been used, particularly before 2011, when people would illegally cross the border to coordinate with CBOs and disseminate information to the outside world,” the Thailand-based group said.
The police report said that during interrogation U Gambira confessed to having made several unofficial border crossings since he left Myanmar to seek medical treatment in Thailand in November 2013. However, it did not appear these were the subject of the charges against him.
“It reeks of retro-vengeance and neo-paranoia on the part of the authorities to target someone they have already tortured and apparently want to ensure will never pose a threat to the military’s interests again,” said David Mathieson, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch in Myanmar. “If this is the new post-election Burma, it is looking disturbingly like the Burma of nine years ago that U Gambira was trying to peacefully change.”

Tuesday 6 August 2013



Kiri Campbellabout an hour ago · 



Sovereign Kiri did this to provide basic needs to her family as per her entitlement as she no longer had faith in a tyrannous system of professional fraud which the criminal court is opening its arms wide to and providing a safe haven with endorsement. A tyrannous system that is stealing entitlements from the mouths of thousands of starving children across NZ (1 in 10 children). To be able to stand and say to those parents who put to bed their hungry children and/or cold children and/or fear of homelessness whilst the system continues to rape their rights to basic needs - whilst the system enjoy their $9000 lunches and $150 underwear - you CAN provide a secure future for your family. Sovereign Kiri took the beast by the horns and demonstrated to all families - you can feed, clothe and house your children without fear! We the people have no faith in systems established by a government who increases their wealth, their waste lines, and ensures their early retirement by stripping away the clothes off our backs.

How? She exchanged services lawfully. Sovereign Kiri submitted letters of intent with sufficient and reasonable time for the recipients to respond. They did not and by said failure to register any dispute against the claims made, resulted in an automatic default judgement and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute, act or regulation against Freeman-on-the-land Kiri Lee: Campbell, for the purpose of exercising her lawful and properly established rights, freedoms and inherent duties as a Sovereign throughout the Commonwealth and as such a peaceable person. The Banks have all been foreclosed! They are illegally engaging in commerce daily, and by their actions are gaining pecuniary Fraud. If the Crown is alleging Sovereign Kiri is engaging in pecuniary fraud, then by just cause, ALL CUSTOMERS are also engaging in pecuniary fraud at every transaction - ATM, deposits, withdrawals, and transfers. Does the Crown then intend to arrest every NZ citizen for the same allegations?! The documents submitted by Sovereign Kiri informed clearly and with no prejudice, malice, or intent to act unlawfully by Common Law, outlines the matter regarding the TSB and allegations of Pecuniary Advantage note the foreclosure of the banking system for cause in profiteering and operating private money systems, profiteering and operating a debt slavery system, and committing treason against the one people. The TSB Bank failed to provide the following: I. Produce documentation of the history of the origin of funds that your bank purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to any money allegedly loaned. History and origin of funds must show at least three [3] generations of the origin of funds; II. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds [prior title, ownership, and rights] from loaner to borrower [invoicing/receipts]. (All documentation may be redacted to preserve any and all privacy laws). No documentation exists as all loans have been proven nor have they been presented to date. Further, all "money" and any other representation of value was and is backed by the energy and value of the people. This value has been duly secured under Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Record No. 2000043135 unrebutted. The creditor and creator of any and all representations of value also known as "money" by depositing her secured Certificate of Value, a representation of her choice, in a value for value exchange. Failure to honor her value without a valid lawful reason, or failure to rebutt the UCC filings point for point with particularity and specifically would implicate in TSB Bank continuing to uphold a debt slavery system fully liable and responsible. This being a true and an accurate account of the business transactions of the TSB bank, it is only reasonable that the CEO and Manager for this incorporation be presented in these proceedings and that they too are made accountable for the same allegations put forward by the corporation 3238729 also known as the NZ Police.

To foreclose a business is to declare bankruptcy!! "Foreclosure is a specific legal process in which a lender attempts to recover the balance of a loan from a borrower who has stopped making payments to the lender by forcing the sale of the asset used as the collateral for the loan." (Wikipedia). Hence, to continue providing services whilst being foreclosed is pecuniary fraud in action. For example, if a bank has approximately 1,000,000 customers and they all do an average of 20 transactions per day, then a bank is then committing pecuniary fraud 20,000,000,000 per day.

One may consider her actions to be intentionally inciting political advantage, such as what was considered by the Lay Representative Claire Muncaster's legal representative Paul Keegan (not Kiri's as recorded). One may consider Sovereign Kiri did this "for the money". One may consider she - as alleged - engaged in pecuniary fraud. Sovereign Kiri sojourns in a country, that for now, allows her the freedom to challenge systems of tyranny and discord. It appears to me in a country that is declared to be in recession... the systems that are there to ensure the wellbeing of every person the system is not undertaking their oaths. If there was any political advantages Sovereign Kiri has, it is merely to expose the naked truth of what is happening to our country that is being raped daily by those appointed in office to protect us. We have a system that provides entitlements that is $250 a week UNDER the Henderson Poverty Line. Those in the system, ensure their entitlements so they can return to their warm homes, nice cars, tasteful clothing, food laden cupboards. So what is the political advantage when she wanted to provide for her six children and family the SAME entitlements? The insistence Sovereign Kiri did this "for the money" is absurd.

Now let us consider the above points. She is well aware of her own value - which is in fact 10 billion dollars - as is for every person sojourning or residing in NZ. There is a huge difference in value between what she requested and what she was lawfully able to obtain. Sovereign Kiri requested a lesser amount as she considered the needs of herself and her family, and the services she wishes to provide to others seeking assistance. Unlike the government who has been gracious to place a $40,000 debt per person totally $18,000,000,000,000 PER DAY. So... who is doing what for the money?? Finally, regarding the Crown's allegations. These allegations cannot possibly be substantiated as there is no evidence to support any intentional acts to behave or engage in fraud. In short, Kiri was taken under duress, has signed every document under duress, was beaten and physically forced to present before the criminal court who appointed a lawyer for her lay representative as she refused legal counsel. Despite the police's allegations, they have treated her like a terrorist refusing her bail on Saturday the 27th July stating she was a 'risk' and continue to site this in court!

From a commercial perspective - Sovereign Kiri is a risk to their system as they are well aware they have no lawful jurisdiction to enforce their will under Common Law coupled with the strength of the Magna Carta. The fear was evident as the policy enforcement officers, also known as NZ Police, kept her "in transit" moving her from Police station to station and Court House to Court House, and in fact - their actions appear to be one of terrorists (perhaps this is who PM John Key is referring to - the NZ Police are trained Al Qaeda, they certainly acted outside of their scope of practice and oath). If she was "innocent until proven guilty", why did they prevent her from being able to seek assistance from her Lay Representative, provide her with material to prepare her Affidavits, provide her with 3 meals a day, provide her with evidence of the Magistrates Oath, provide her with physical evidence or proof of the charges and allegations and moved her around to denying her rights to prepare herself for court? One PM stated these ancient laws are "bullshit", which leads us to believe the Magistrate and Ministers/Officers of the Crown consider themselves as 'Esquires' as they do not believe in the common law and under common law there is no 'titles' just 'we the people'; where the people make the decisions and outcomes - doing no harm. How can the Crown breach their oath, remove a mother from her children, cause personal injury and harm to an individual, and protect a foreclosed business, and claim this to be lawful? Who then, are the criminals in this matter - you decide.

Monday 29 July 2013

Kiri Campbell Case July 23 2013 Revised: Kiri’s Big Stand in Court — This is What Standing Your Ground Looks Like

Kiri Campbell Case July 23 2013

Revised: Kiri’s Big Stand in Court — This is What Standing Your Ground Looks Like

Kiri’s Big Stand in Court…
July 22, 2013
I added a few notes thanks to the guys over at the Stillness in the Storm blog ~BK
Anyone who has been following this breaking story has been on pins and needles to find out what happened to Kiri in court today. Well, let’s just say the hosts of The One People show tonight were not expecting to hear from her live on the air to tell her story. All I can say is; unbelievable. Rare is the day we encounter a woman with the kind of courage and mental fortitude which Kiri so gracefully exhibited in court this morning. To be standing in front of a judge for charges of fraud only to leave an entire court house stunned and wondering what hit them is a feat most souls only dream about; but not Kiri. This brave woman was sent here as a walking illustration of what we can accomplish when we, “know who we are,” as she so eloquently puts it. There will be much more on this story in the days and weeks to come, so for now I share with you all the audio of tonight’s call along with the document she read inside the court house. I must warn you, the content you are about to read and hear is quite empowering. If you are not ready for this nuclear sized burst of energy, I suggest discontinuing this story now and go watch FOX News instead ;) ~BK
If you are just picking up on this story now, here’s some background info:
…and the show from tonight. Kiri comes in at about the 76 minute mark:
This is what Kiri read right at the beginning of her hearing:
“The courts have ruled that the ONLY authority held by the government is authority that was delegated by, “We the people”. The courts have also said that, “We the people” have all of the rights of the king. Therefore, we are all kings and queens”
BE IT KNOWN that all persons claiming professional association with the existing court system also including ministers, police, bailiffs, magistrates, judges, registrars and deputy registrars and other court officers and employees and all other agents and prosecutors (from now referred to as INOR,( in need of redemption) from varying other sources within the New Zealand company structure and substructure are herewith noticed to stop and to recuse themselves immediately in all and any further action and involvements and relating to their respective positions.
You could face charges in a common law court and in a trail by jury for treason or high treason for the past and present involvement in undue process of justice and perversion of justice by fraud, contempt, trespass, sedition and any unauthorized administration of Estates (or trusts) or persons without authority of delegation from any executor offices, abandonment of their oaths of office as public servants and for impersonation of positions held under your oaths taken when as a matter of fact being engaged in commercial, revenue generating enterprise contrary to the position supposed to have held.
We the people could agree to appoint a transitional chief administrator who could take over the keys or other means of access to the buildings to coordinate the conversion of the existing buildings and administration of record keeping back to their original purpose of administering real justice.
All records and all chattels would have to remain onsite and full access to the chief administrator or people appointed by the chief administrator would be provided from that day forward to commence a review and full audit of the previous court activities and level of involvement of all INOR in treasonous behavior and any other crime committed against the people.
BE IT KNOWN to all women and men that this land is a common law jurisdiction and that all lawful courts are common law courts where free men can exercise their inalienable right to trial by jury.
Is it not true that all court buildings are standing on the land of the people, the internal sovereign heads making up the one and only true crown, and being the land granted for the purpose of administering justice by the rule of law, and being land without certificate of title or sales and purchase agreement, which would define ownership? Is it not true that the original grant given to occupy the land the court building stands on was to facilitate justice as public service providers and as public servants and the servants to the people could one day be revoked by the internal sovereign heads, the people, who could authorise and execute a notice of this nature.
Is it not true that any officer of any court, and any government official also including New Zealand police who have attempted to compel or compelled one of “the people”, into their foreign corporate commercial jurisdiction by accusing them of being a “person” has perjured their oaths, and were engaging in TREASON, and SEDITION, and they have no immunity whatsoever, because all officers of all courts are presumed to know the law?
Is it not true that no government official who represents ANYTHING about NEW ZEALAND has any authority whatsoever over “the people”, and the minute he or she attempts to assert any such authority, he or she immediately perjures his oaths, engages in TREASON (breach of trust) and is engaged in SEDITION, because he or she is making war against the established government which is “the people”, and he or she immediately loses all immunity he or she might otherwise enjoy?
Is it not true that it is essential to the preservation of truth, justice and freedom to affirm oneself to the right to trial by jury and that any denial of this right by anyone constitutes treason against the man and woman standing on the land. No parliament (part of management committee) of the New Zealand company can legislate to abolish or diminish this right protecting life, liberty and property in a common law jurisdiction and have no standing as sovereign crown and never had such a standing as sovereignty was never ceded to the New Zealand company by the man and woman on the land?
Is it not true that it is the duty and responsibility of jurors only to judge the facts and law presented to them, so that they can administer Justice to all parties in any action?
Is it not true that unless a court obtained the clear, written, witnessed and unequivocal consent of all parties with full disclosure given and full understanding of definitions and interpretations of all words used, in plain English, and without duress applied or threats being made or tricked or deceived, to be without a jury? Is it not true that any court without such consent been given has and never had jurisdiction to proceed summarily and any such awards, doings and proceedings shall be held to be null and void and any cases (constructive trusts) to be corrected now and recorded accordingly including the release of all parties unlawfully charged and held, to be now released from any order which was given via a magistrate, adjudicator, judge, deputy registrar or registrar acting under the summary proceedings without such proof of claim of consent?
Is it not true that there cannot be any trust or confidence in the process INOR has engaged in and all persons involved hold full personal and commercial unlimited liabilities?
Perhaps very soon INOR will have to vacate the buildings and land and be recused from engagement from the presently existing court system?”
- Kiri Campbell
Kiri’s Court Appearance
The following was taken from the One People 22/23 show.
At the end of this interview it is not clear whether Kiri will be required to appear in Court again or what the final status of her 15,000,000 in value is. Updates will undoubtedly occur. Here is the narrative of her experience scribed from her own words:
Kiri’s name was called and she reasserted her position that she was not going to contract with anyone she did not know. The Court has not proved to Kiri who they are and where they get their authority.
Kiri stated that she rejected this offer and to contract because it was incomplete and asked the Court if there are any objections; the Court did not respond.
Kiri began executing a “NOTICE TO COURTS AND AGENTS” which was a statement written by her. This was a very powerful statement (Posted below). This was a notice she had used in the past which the Court may have been familiar with.
Kiri was told to “stand in silence.”
During the execution of the notice an officer walked up to her and said “shut up!”
Kiri ignored them and continued to execute the notice to completion.
Kiri said “the notice was received and accepted.”
Kiri was then “arrested” again or kidnapped from the Court house.
Kiri was accosted by 2 men and a women reporting to be police officers who never gave their real names.
As a result of reading the notice she was charged with “Breach of the Peace.”
Kiri was constantly being made “offers” to contract which she repeatedly refused by stating she did not consent to what was happening to her.
The 3 Police offers attempted to hand cuff Kiri and she alluded to the fact they were not able to.
Kiri was forced into a vehicle and eventually handcuffed by “dislocating her thumb.” She was incarcerated again, searched to her “bare skin” chained to a wall and was covered in bruises because of the ordeal.
Kiri was introduced to a Juris Solicitor that was going to broker some type of arrangement for her release; [more court fraud a slavery].
During the interview, Kiri kept having to make corrections to the statements her Solicitor was drafting. Obvious tampering was happening and Kiri rejected each draft eventually causing the Solicitor to leave, flustered. Kiri did not want her words to minced in any way, shape or fashion and rejected the Solicitors representation on her behalf.
Kiri was brought back in to Court and said “where do you want me, you are all dangerous and are armed, where do you want me?” She continued to state her non-consent and that she needed them to act in full disclosure.
Kiri asked the court to clarify “are you referring to my legal name or my given name.” [given name is for example, Justin of the House Deschamps]
The Court was outraged and kept trying to get Kiri to accept her PERSON. [JUSTIN DESCHAMPS - the corporate fiction]
The Court room was cleared of all people except the lawful jury of her peers; her representation.
The Court was not able to secure a contract with Kiri and she was moved to sign a police bail in another room.
Kiri read and amended the paper work to accurately reflect what happened, removing references to people and roles that did not exist; scratching out witness because there was no witness.
Kiri signed ‘under duress’ and ‘WITHOUT PREJUDICE’ where ever it was required and try to leave wile they were attempting to force her into coming back for another hearing. She also wrote no contract on the documents.
The Court finally produced an envelope with the words “full disclosure” written across them and stating Kiri had what she needed.
Kiri opened the envelope to reveal a “stack of documents” and in turn, still refused their offer to contract. Kiri walked back in to Court and wrote refused their final offer in writing one last time.
Kiri decides to go home and have Tea with her family.
TSB Bank Contacts Kiri
Kiri received a letter from TSB stating “please accepted this as proof your accounts are closed with TSB.”
TSB Bank enclosed a Photo Copy of the negotiable instrument (the check from a closed bank account in Kiri’s name) and check for ~ 1600 New Zealand Dollars. The copy came with a cover letter saying the accounts were “unsound.”
Kiri Intends to send the check back using a deposit slip to the TSB Bank, in addition to all the documents she received today from the courts with “no contract” stamped over the top of it.
Kiri says one of her inspirations was Mary Elizabeth: Croft and her Book HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN pdf is available here:
Further Updates
Kiri had made a recording of the entire execution of Notice all the way up to her incarceration which hopefully will be online in the days ahead.
It is not clear at this time what can be done with TSB bank, however as a result of commercial remedies which Kiri can exercise she may be able to recover all of the value deposited, the 15,000,000 and damages.
More information will be made available as time goes on.
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